Wednesday, 9 January 2013

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Throat Ulcer Symptoms

A mouth ulcer is an open wound in the mouth where tender nerve endings are exposed and can often cause extreme pain to the person who is affected with them especially when they can become irritated. Any lesions on the lips are noted. The herpes simplex virus produces singular or clusters of vesicular eruptions on the lip, which are often called "cold sores". Tiffany Pendants Sale  The lip may also be the site of a primary syphilitic chancre, which appears as a firm nodule that ulcerates and crusts.

You can find ulcers all over the body. Some people with diabetes will develop a leg one sometime during their life. Very few ulcers are a stomach one, but those that are malignant tumors in 4% of cases, must be diagnosed with a biopsy. To confirm the presence of a duodenal ulcer, doctors employ two main types of tests. Until a decade or two ago, the only method of diagnosing an, ulcer was by doing a Barium Meal - taking a series of X-rays after getting the patient to swallow a white liquid, Barium Sulphate. This substance clearly outlined the inside of the stomach, showing up the ulcer as a crater in the stomach wall.

If your sore throat hurts more on the right side then your remedy may be in guaiacum. Guaiacum works well when your throat is also very dry. Let's talk about slippery elm. This remarkable herb helps soothe and heal not only when taken internally but when used externally as a poultice. It has an abundance of mucilage that soothes, strengthens, and disperses inflammation. Generally, licorice is an immune system stimulant that is antibacterial. It not only has value in itself, but it causes other herbs to reach their full potential as well. Licorice contains glycyrrhizin, a substance that is 50 times sweeter than sugar. Glycyrrhizinic acid is more than just a sweetener though.

The most popular cure for a sore throat for those who wish to go the natural route is cayenne pepper. It is usually left up to the person's discretion, but take a small amount of cayenne pepper (no more than 1/8th teaspoon) and mix it in some warm water. Take this mixture and gargle with the cayenne pepper and water for a few minutes every fifteen minutes or so. As the doctor observes the lining of the mouth, any odor (halitosis) is noted. Indeed, the most common type of cataracts are those that develop as a result of the aging. Read Article

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