Thursday, 17 January 2013

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In 1865 Ed Collins, a savvy trapper and prospector, took a second look at the pebbles the miners were Tiffany Pendants UK    discarding and correctly identified the stones as sapphires. Believing he had it rich Collins excitedly gathered up a packet of the stones and shipped them to both Fox and Tiffany Jewelers in New York City. His hopes were dashed when the jewelers responded that the stones were of inferior quality and worthless. The stones found by Ed Collins were from the gravels of the Missouri River in Lewis and Clark County, Montana and did not Cheap Tiffany Rings  have the clarity and color of jewelry grade stones. Subsequent discoveries were recorded in 1889 on Dry Cottonwood Creek in Deer Lodge County and on Rock Creek in Granite County in 1982.

Farsighted financiers soon learned of Montana sapphires and substantial companies from as far away as England invested in sapphire mines throughout the state. On Rock and Quartz Creeks west of Philipsburg, at Brown Gulch and Dry Cottonwood Creek east of Anaconda and along the Missouri River at French Bar, El Dorado Bar, Metropolitan Bar and Magpie Gulch, the rush was on! However, the hole was soon to be found in the lush green drainage called Yogo Gulch.

Almost thirty years after the original of sapphires in Montana, history repeated itself. In 1894, mountain man, trapper, Cheap Earrings Keys friend of artist Charles Russell and sometimes prospector, Jake Hoover was working a gravel bar on Yogo Creek located 45 miles southwest of Lewiston, Montana. Ironically,Yogo is a beautiful word in the Piegan Blackfoot Indian language which means sky />

Although he had seen sapphires many times before, the blue stones, clear and the color of a Montana Sky that appeared in the bottom of his gold pan were uniquely different. Jake continued to work his Tiffany Jewellery Sale claim, finding some gold and patiently saving the blue rocks until he had filled a cigar box.

Believing he had found a worthy deposit, Jake Hoover shipped his find to George Kunz of Tiffany and Company Jewelers in New York. He was elated when he received a check for $3750 for of unusual quality Hoover quickly formed the New Mine Sapphire Syndicate.

A London jewelry conglomerate soon purchased all the shares in the mine and changed the name to the English Mine. Commercial mining for the valued sapphires at Yogo commenced in 1896. Charles T. Gadsden, an English mining engineer, oversaw the operation at Yogo. Shortages of water and workers all but halted production of the mine during World War I. Double taxation by both the British and United States governments curtailed profits and in 1923 a devastating storm caused considerable damage. The Yogo Mine was closed in 1929 and not worked again until 1956.

By the time the mine was closed in 1929, Tiffany Sets UK Yogo had produced 2.5 million carats of gem quality sapphires, valued at over 25 million dollars. The mines of Yogo Gulch are currently being worked by commercial companies. The accumulated value of these precious blue gems is now in excess of 40 million dollars. The demand for Yogo sapphires, particularly for the larger carat sizes, far exceeds production.

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